I would have practically killed for this car four years ago. If you would have told me during my junior year of high school that I would one day soon own a Ford Mustang, I would have done somersaults. Anyone would--if they had never owned a sports car. What people don't realize about sports cars is that they are a love-hate relationship for those who drive them, especially if the vehicle is used as a main source of transportation. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed stepping out into a parking lot and having a nearby stranger give me a thumbs up or say "Nice car!" But it's not worth using half my body strength to pull myself out of a drivers seat because it was so low; a trunk so small it couldn't fit all the groceries in my cart; passenger space so minimal I could only carry one friend comfortably; and a nose so long I probably took out someone's grandma and never realized it. Worse than all of these things was the gas mileage: 19 city mpg on a good day. With gas over $3 a gallon? No thank you.
Then one day I got the urge to start looking again. Only this time I did my homework and realized that Scion Tc's only get 19 city mpg! That's right, no better than my gas-hogging Mustang. They started looking less and less attractive really fast, and I geared my efforts towards a Toyota Yaris. Most of the people whom I expressed my enthusiasm for the car towards thought that they looked "weird", but for whatever reason I found them to be adorable. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they received 30 city mpg, and were made by what is in my opinion the best car manufacturer out there (their past slander is completely political and makes me like them all the more).
40 highway mpg, 4 cylinder, 5 passenger beauty in black sand pearl. Unlike my husband's truck it is an automatic, which surprisingly gets only 1 mpg less than a manual, and which I think is so much more convenient for Texas traffic.
Also surprisingly? I would swear to you it has absolutely no less "go" than my Mustang!!
I am absolutely in love. And very lucky, as it was exactly what we were looking for at a good deal! I'm thinking about calling it "Yoda". ...
I love your new car but Im still sad from your last post :(