Friday, January 7, 2011

My Office: The Unveiling!

First entry of 2011! =)

I had a great time in Florida over the holidays with my family. Check out my photo blog to get a feel for the festivities, as I haven't had the time to post anything on here until now. I'm using the first chance I got between getting caught up on housework and unpacking to unveil my office, which all came together shortly after I returned home!

I love my office. It is where I spend a huge chunk of my time, between school work and photo editing. Most importantly... it's the only part of the house that my husband won't complain about if it's "too girly"!

Now, do you remember the pathetic little chair I purchased for $3 from the goodwill with the intention to give it a makeover? Well it is the star of tonight's show, and my pride and joy. I now present to you the completed task (which would have undoubtedly spent an eternity in limbo were it not for my wonderful husband)!

The before...

(drum roll please...)

...and the after.

$8 on one yard of IKEA fabric, $8 in semi-glossy white paint, some trial and error, and I now have a cute little chair for a grand total of just under $20. (I'm not trying to sound like Martha Stewart, but I also made the curtains in the background of the above picture. For $5 I was able to make four panels for two windows! Beat that, WalMart.)

The fabric was love at first sight ♥

And the rest!

1 comment:

  1. Its really cute! Good job. Check this out
